60 Seconds with Hadrien Bourely…

Hadiren made us smile last Sunday as he made sure we all stayed COVID Compliant, so we thought it was time to find out more about man… 1. How old were you when you first stepped on a boat? I was 6 months old. I couldn’t walk so technically I didn’t ‘step’ on the boat thought. My parents had a lovely little yacht (as you do) and we sailed from Monaco to the Balearic Islands. I can’t believe they dared to do that with me. To cross, they would have had to sail for several days/nights without seeing land. No autopilot. I took my first steps on that boat. Pic below. 2. If money (& sailing ability) were no limit, what boat would you buy? A star-ship. I love Astronomy and I did a summer session in the US in that field while in high school (to learn English). I almost made it my

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