Bin and Recycling Management

Over the past few weeks our bins were left outside and it has been problematic as the public has filled them with a nasty assortment of mixed waste, leaving a small group of members (usually Paul Adam) with the unpleasant task of cleaning them out and separating the rubbish.We know it’s not glamorous, but we need everyone’s help to ensure all bins are put away inside the clubhouse every Saturday.  If you notice the bins outside, please take the time to put them inside – except on Sunday nights, when the yellow and red bins are left out for collection.  The blue bins should always be inside, except on the rare occasions they are full and are put out for collection.  Also, please remember to recycle bottles and cans by putting them uncrushed in the clearly marked small recycling bins near the canteen in the clubhouse (not the larger general rubbish bins near

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