A very large Naval ship, the 18 Footers JJ Giltinan Championship, and numerous CYC fleets all made cameos in Saturday’s race, which made for an action packed afternoon. Despite the amount going on in such a condensed area, there were no incidents on the water. Murray Stone did go head-to-head with a 70ft motor yacht, with Murray coming out as the winner. Credit goes to all the sailors for great seamanship.The forecast was spot on; the sun shone all day and a beautiful NNE gradient filled in which led to some fantastic racing in both fleets. For once it should be acknowledged the Radials were better behaved on the start line that the Standards! At the end of the day, the winners were: Standards – Steve London (Point Score 9) and Nick Pellow (Point Score 10); Radials – The Tudballs – Ian (Point Score 9) and James (Point Score 10).Thanks