With the 2022-23 season underway, we have a few regattas fast approaching. We’re looking to cement our position as the world’s leading Laser sailing club and expect to send a large contingent of DBSC sailors!Coast Championships The Coast Championships are on at South Lake Macquarie Amateur Sailing Club from 15-16 October. The Notice of Race for the event is here. You can enter online here or at the club on 15th October up to 11.30am. If you would like to attend and need help with boat transport or accommodation, please email Dave here asap.State Open & Masters Championships A combined Open and Masters states this year at Wangi from 19-20 November is the must-attend regatta for the year – the Notice of Race for the event is here. We’re again expecting DBSC to be well represented, so please fill out the below form (2 min) if you are interested asap,