HOT OFF THE PRESS!!!Following clarification received by Australian Sailing from the NSW Government, we are thrilled to announce we are permitted to run races provided that: no more than 20 people are “gathered” in the park while rigging, andthe 4m2 rule is observed in the clubhouse.For this coming weekend (Saturday 16 October) the club will run sprint racing.Please note, only those who are fully (double) vaccinated are able to attend racing on Saturday under the COVID-19 restrictions.*** Make sure you are familiar with the following guidance ***To ensure we comply with the rules, the arrival and start times will be staggered.Standards rigs must be at the club by 1pm and must splash before 1.30pm (later is not permitted). Radial and 4.7 rigs must not be at the club before 1.30pm and may splash once rigged.To avoid congestion, please get changed BEFORE you start rigging.There will be no off-water briefing before racing. The standards will race