UPCOMING EVENTSSaturday 5 October (Labour Day October Long Weekend)Sprint Racing (1pm briefing, 2pm first warning)2-7 October – REACH Youth are attending – Australian Sailing NSW Youth Sail – Teralba SC, Lake MacquarieWednesday 9 OctoberTwilight Sailing (5-ish splash)Thursday 10 OctoberTwilight Racing (5pm splash) 5:30pm first warningWeekend of 12-13 October2024 NSW & ACT Coast Championships at Mannering Park Sailing Club (Sat. & Sun.)Please contact Dave Newman if you are interested in attending. Notice of Race.Saturday 12 OctoberSprint Racing (1pm briefing, 2pm first warning)Saturday 19 OctoberMember Competency Training (9am)Club Championship Races 5 & 6 + Spring Point Score Races 5 & 6 (1pm briefing, 2pm first warning)Brett Beyer Saturday Program (BBSP)BBQ after racing
Thank you to the members who are sending through information for the newsletter. If you have content for the newsletter, please email it to newsletter@dbsc.com.au by Monday evening.View all racing results here.The club’s calendar can be viewed and