Race Report 02 April 2022

Our LTRAR volunteer, John Chesterman, has provided the following report from racing on Saturday.Multiple opinions were considered whilst setting up a relatively unusual, for DBSC, WSW course which appeared to exhibit a slight southward directional shift toward the top end and was more westerly at the start boat end near the Shark Island bottom mark. The experience of the PRO won out and once final adjustments were made the racing got underway on time. A strong outgoing tide, estimated at 2 knots, assisted clean starts to both races by keeping all boats a safe distance back from the start line.The Etchells were mostly uninterested in our DBSC triangle and there were only a couple of vague intruding yachts thinking it might be a good idea to mix it with a racing laser fleet rounding the bottom mark whilst themselves on a downwind setting.A relatively steady 12-15 Knot breeze, with little

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